K8200 does not start power issue

Hey there.
I have a bit of a problem.
When I connect the USB to my computer the red and green LEDs on the main board light up.
When I connect the Power supply to the main board, both LEDs shots off. I can hear that the connection via the USB as my computer plays a small tune when a device is connected to the computer via the USB.
But when starting the Repetier I cannot connect at all.

I have measured the old power supply and it deliveres 14.58 VDC.
I have bought a new power supply and it deliveres 15.5 VDC.

Any help is welcome I believe it to be a fault on the main board, but does anyone know what the different LEDs are indicating ???

Regards Thias Russell

Can it be you switched the polarity on the 15V input?

No the power should be correct. The center pin i + 15VDC.
as it allways has been.

Regards Thias

Solution to this problem was that for some reason I don not know the COM4 did not work.
When I in the device manager disconnected the USB to the printer the COM4 disconnected, and when I connected it back to the computer it came up again.
i then simpply change the COM setting to COM20 and made a reboot of my computer and Repetier have been able to connect ever since.

Regards Thias Russell
So a simple COM port issue.