I am wanting to attach a project to the expansion port on the K8200 controller board. Where may I find the schematics for the board so that I can update the firmware to access the port for my project?
Are you absolutely certain of this? I see settings in pins.h for X, Y, and Z axis port control that don’t agree with this schematic. On the schematic /STEP/ for the X-axis is pin 97, in pins.h it is 54. The build of Marlin that uses this pin works. I got the Marlin code from Velleman, so I imagine it’s right.
I could be making a fundamental mistake here because I am just getting my feet wet in this code base, but something tells me I am not. I overlapped Y axis enable by mistake and I got the expected chatter on the Y axis - so I think there are differences in the schematics. I have also read posts to this effect, but not from sources I would trust.
Could someone from Velleman answer this question? Thanks!
You can compare with the schematic from Velleman on this topic
Maybe I’m not looking in the right place, but I have not found a schematic from Velleman. I have searched quite a bit on their site as well as on the 'net. If it is the same, then I am left wondering why the port pins in pins.h don’t match the schematic…!
Thanks for the replies, and I don’t mean to sound critical of your feedback. Not at all. But as you can imagine, the port pins in Velleman’s version of Marlin working - and not matching the schematic - leaves me with more questions than answers!
Hereby a link to the diagram.
Please note that diagrams are always subject to changes and updates.
I have been looking for schematics to do this for quite a while now without any success. I have looked at various files but there is always some sort of configuration error. I initially thought that it was something that I can do myself but never got around to doing it because I never had enough time. Anyways, if you have found a solution, it’ll of great help, if you can share it.
I.m trying to start a delta printer with a k8200 board, so far withouten succes. looking in to the pins.h file I noticed it doesn t match with the pin numbering on the k8200 schedule.
does anyone have experience with this issue ? Van i trust the pin Numbers on the schedule?