K8200 Bed Heating issues

Hi All,

I think I’m being a retard but its always best to get a second opinion !

I have the k8200 (all stock parts) and it kind of works. The issue i am having is that the software shows a temperature on the bed (this works as I put the heating up a few days ago and watched the bed temp increase) however when starting a print and asking the bed to go to 50c it doesn’t move or get hotter at all. I did try a basic print and I presume it didn’t work because the filament didn’t “stick” to the bed, the extruder was going the way it should to make the item but the filament after a while just pulled up into a mess of blobs and melted plastic.

Now I am at my wits end and hoping for someone who has had this issue and can give me some direction

Many thanks in advance.

Hi. You should have posted in the K8200 part of the forum (here it’s the K8400 forum).

Your problem is a bit unclear from what you wrote : is the bed heating or not? What temperature is showed on the curve in Repetier?
If the filament doesn’t stick check the following :

Set the bed-nozzle distance to 0.3 mm (use a feeler gauge).
Check if the bed is flat (the PCB often isn’t).
The bed surface must be perfectly clean (use alcohol to clean it).
Better to use blue painter tape on the bed : your prints will stick a whole lot better.
The power supply is a bit weak to heat the bed over 50° (required if you want to print ABS). Check the forum about the use of an external 24V power supply for the bed. And add a glass plate if your bed is not flat enough.

[quote=“raby”]Hi. You should have posted in the K8200 part of the forum (here it’s the K8400 forum).

Your problem is a bit unclear from what you wrote : is the bed heating or not? What temperature is showed on the curve in Repetier?
If the filament doesn’t stick check the following :

Set the bed-nozzle distance to 0.3 mm (use a feeler gauge).
Check if the bed is flat (the PCB often isn’t).
The bed surface must be perfectly clean (use alcohol to clean it).
Better to use blue painter tape on the bed : your prints will stick a whole lot better.
The power supply is a bit weak to heat the bed over 50° (required if you want to print ABS). Check the forum about the use of an external 24V power supply for the bed. And add a glass plate if your bed is not flat enough.[/quote]

Hey thanks for the reply

What I meant to say is the bed thermo works, the curve shows the room temp on the screen, so when I put the heating on in the room it showed a rise in temp as the room was warmer and heating the bed slightly. As for when I tell the software to heat the bed it stays at a constant room temp but the extruded heats up. I modified the g- code to run at room temp and ran a print this was a disaster to say the least.

The nozzle is at 0.25 mm and the plate was cleaned first, I forgot to mention I had upgraded the bed to a mirror bed (didn’t realise this wasn’t standard)

Hope this clears a few bits up as for the forum page my bad I didn’t realise, can a moderator move it?

If the bed is not heating there must be a bad contact somewhere. Unplug the bed from the controller board and measure the resistance between the contacts of the plug . It should be a few ohms.
You can also plug a voltmeter to the terminals of the bed on the controller board and check if you get 15V when the bed is switched on.