Hi Jan,
wow, that was a quick answer, thank you very much! I have just run the progam, and this is what it “spits” out (I run it on my other computer, where the COM port number for the K8097 is read as 3).
Information for device K8097 - 4 Channel USB Stepper Card (VID=0x10CF PID=0x8097):
Connection Information:
Connection status: Device connected
Device actual bus speed: Full
Device is hub: No
Device adress: 0x0001
Current configuration value: 0x01
Number of open pipes: 3
Device Descriptor:
0x12 bLength
0x01 bDescriptorType
0x0200 bcdUSB
0x02 bDeviceClass (Communication Device Class)
0x00 bDeviceSubClass
0x00 bDeviceProtocol
0x08 bMaxPacketSize0 (8 Bytes)
0x10CF idVendor
0x8097 idProduct
0x0100 bcdDevice
0x01 iManufacturer “Velleman Projects”
0x02 iProduct “K8097 - 4 Channel USB Stepper Card”
0x00 iSerialNumber
0x01 bNumConfigurations
Configuration Descriptor:
0x09 bLength
0x02 bDescriptorType
0x0043 wTotalLength
0x02 bNumInterfaces
0x01 bConfigurationValue
0x00 iConfiguration
0xC0 bmAttributes (Self-powered Device)
0x32 bMaxPower (100 mA)
Interface Descriptor:
0x09 bLength
0x04 bDescriptorType
0x00 bInterfaceNumber
0x00 bAlternateSetting
0x01 bNumEndPoints
0x02 bInterfaceClass (Communication Device Class)
0x02 bInterfaceSubClass (Abstract Control Model)
0x01 bInterfaceProtocol (ITU-T V.250)
0x00 iInterface
CDC Header Functional Descriptor:
0x05 bFunctionalLength
0x24 bDescriptorType
0x00 bDescriptorSubtype
0x0110 bcdCDC
CDC Abstract Control Management Functional Descriptor:
0x04 bFunctionalLength
0x24 bDescriptorType
0x02 bDescriptorSubtype
0x02 bmCapabilities
CDC Union Functional Descriptor:
0x05 bFunctionalLength
0x24 bDescriptorType
0x06 bDescriptorSubtype
0x00 bControlInterface
0x01 bSubordinateInterface(0)
CDC Call Management Functional Descriptor:
0x05 bFunctionalLength
0x24 bDescriptorType
0x01 bDescriptorSubtype
0x00 bmCapabilities
0x01 bDataInterface
Endpoint Descriptor:
0x07 bLength
0x05 bDescriptorType
0x81 bEndpointAddress (IN Endpoint)
0x03 bmAttributes (Transfer: Interrupt / Synch: None / Usage: Data)
0x000A wMaxPacketSize (10 Bytes)
0x01 bInterval
Interface Descriptor:
0x09 bLength
0x04 bDescriptorType
0x01 bInterfaceNumber
0x00 bAlternateSetting
0x02 bNumEndPoints
0x0A bInterfaceClass (CDC Data)
0x00 bInterfaceSubClass
0x00 bInterfaceProtocol
0x00 iInterface
Endpoint Descriptor:
0x07 bLength
0x05 bDescriptorType
0x02 bEndpointAddress (OUT Endpoint)
0x02 bmAttributes (Transfer: Bulk / Synch: None / Usage: Data)
0x0040 wMaxPacketSize (64 Bytes)
0x00 bInterval
Endpoint Descriptor:
0x07 bLength
0x05 bDescriptorType
0x82 bEndpointAddress (IN Endpoint)
0x02 bmAttributes (Transfer: Bulk / Synch: None / Usage: Data)
0x0040 wMaxPacketSize (64 Bytes)
0x00 bInterval
String Descriptor Table
Index LANGID String
0x00 0x0000 0x0409
0x01 0x0409 “Velleman Projects”
0x02 0x0409 “K8097 - 4 Channel USB Stepper Card”
Connection path for device:
USB-xHCI-kompatibler Hostcontroller
Root Hub
K8097 - 4 Channel USB Stepper Card (VID=0x10CF PID=0x8097)
Brought to you by TDD v1.82.0, Aug 20 2013, 17:17:20
The information does not give me a help, because do not understand it enough.
Best regards
N.B. current consumption of thre K8097 is about 40mA.