I’ve created an application in C# to interface with the K8097.
Now I’m reading the inputs of the card on a timer loop. The timer is currently set at 10ms and then starts to poll the card’s inputs.
The inputs show up just fine (however they are showing in reverse order; eg. 1=6).
What I want to know is, what’s the maximum possible pollrate; in other words how many milliseconds must be between commands to the card and still give a reliable result?
[quote=“VEL417”]Sorry, this has not been measured.
You might want to test to find the limit and then you can provide a say 20% safety margin.[/quote]
I’ve seen that the card, when connected via (COM)terminal, sends packets with regular interval of around 1000ms(Guess not measured). Is this the status packet, or does it also send an asynchrononous message when for example an input changes?
If one must wait for the status message at regular interval, it doesn’t make sense to check for status faster than the standard interval…