
Dear Colleagues! Tell me, please, how to activate the limit switches SK5, SK6,SK7,SK8,SK9 on velleman K8096? I need to stop the stepper motor by closing limit switch. Best regards, Georgiy.

When conncted to the software you can turn on the DEMO mode:

Demo: This button switches the demo mode on or
off. The indicator shows the current setting.When the
DEMO modus is active, the inputs serve as motor

Input 1: Turn motor right
Input 2: Turn motor left
Input 3: Torque
Input 4: End contact right, when end contact is tripped the motor
will turn left for a periode. Reset the card by activating
input 1 en 2 simultaneous.
Input 5: End contact left, when end contact is tripped the motor
will turn right for a periode. Reset the card by activating
input 1 & 2 simultaneous.