I’m attempting to use a K8096 Stepper Motor Controller card with VBA (Visual Basic for Applications, in this case excel’s in built VB not “real” VB).
VBA will happily use some DLL’s and any serial ports stuff but I’m not having any luck with the stepper motor DLL.
Q1 - Does anyone have any experience using this board with VBA?
Q2 - Failing that can I abandon the DLL approach and send serial commands to the virtual port instead? I’m happy writing a VBA class module to handle this providing I know what commands to send…
OK - Card returns the complete status in one 7 byte message which is nice, the input status is in the first 5 bits of the 5th byte.
What I can’t find is how to instruct the card to return the status.
The demo software (MotorDemo) has a constant stream of returns but I can’t see a write that triggers them. (The vb example code uses the DLL so nothing to see there.)
Please - Does anyone know a serial command I can send to the card to trigger it to retun the status message?
So close to having this usable but close doesn’t really cut it