K8096 Custom software

I’ve just bought the K8096 and it works a treat with the demo program. I want to write a simple program of my own to do the same sort of thing. Is there any chance that I could use my old Visual Studio 6? Failing that, what is the simplest way of writing something to drive the K8096?
I’m running WinXP.
Many thanks,

I’m sorry but your Windows and Visual Studio versions are >10 years out of date… I guess time flies :slight_smile:

The good news is that you can download Visual Studio Express, which is a free version of Visual Studio, from the Microsoft website. The installer for the K8097 contains examples for Visual Basic .NET.

Many thanks. I’ll try that.

I want to write my own program, too. Do you have a manual for this application or can you tell me which file should I change/ program?

On the download page, you can find everything for the K8096

Thanks, the files I’ve found. But how can I write and start my own program?

[quote]But how can I write and start my own program?[/quote]That is a very open question…

The zip file you downloaded should contain an example for Visual Basic .NET. At the end of the installation, there is an option to “Open the Visual Basic .NET 2010 demo project”. Select this option and the example project will open in Visual Studio.

Examine the source code and modify it to suit your needs.

Thank you.
I can open the example “SMC Project.sln” in Visual Studio. There I find the files “MyProject” and “SMC Project.vb.” in “SMC Project.vb” is a GUI and in “MyProject” are the settings. But which file I can adapt for my program? In which file is the code?

In Visual Studio, you can right-click “SMC Project.vb” in the Solution Explorer and select View Code

Thank you very much.