K8095 - Sound issues

Dear support,

I experience the following issues with my kit and hope you could help me with your wisdom :wink:

  • The speaker volume does not change when I connect headphones. This is odd, as I would expect the speakers are turned off when headphones are connected - as it happens in most other players.
  • When pushing the volume up or down buttons, a klicking / scratching sound is hearable. It’s not a big deal, but it is a bit annoying.

Another question:

  • As I’d like to connect another display: What kind of cable is necessary for the on-board display connector?

Cheers, Andreas

Thank you for the feedback.

[quote]- The speaker volume does not change when I connect headphones. This is odd, as I would expect the speakers are turned off when headphones are connected - as it happens in most other players[/quote]This is because there is used resistor voltage divider to attenuate the speaker signal for the headphone output. So a simple switch-over is not possible in the headphone socket.

[quote]- When pushing the volume up or down buttons, a klicking / scratching sound is hearable. It’s not a big deal, but it is a bit annoying.[/quote]Indeed, there is this minor click sound. I’m sorry, this seems to be a feature of the audio codec and can’t be avoided.

[quote]Another question: