K8090 with K8044

Hi all,

i have any questions (before i buy) about the K8090.

I put a K8044 velleman.eu/products/view/?id=348779 in my Car.
It works perfect. youtube.com/watch?v=6rQR7s0qj1Q

Now i want to control this K8044 with the K8090 iPhone application
(1st Relay: Switch ON/OFF and 2nd Relay: Programmswitching)

Is that Possible?

(perhaps support with german subtitle) :smiley:

No, this is not possible, unless you have a PC connected to the internet available in your car.

Its not possible to connect with a Add-Hoc WLAN connection without internet?

The K8090 is an USB card, so evidently you need a computer to attach it to

Server software can be downloaded to run on that computer so you can use TCP/IP; that software then acts as a bridge between USB<->TCP/IP