K8090 (observatory)


I´m thinking about using that card for my observatory. I already use the Ethernet-Version (VM201), which works fine!

Is it possible to use a battery (12 VDC, 100 Ah) as power source to switch DC Motors (12 VDC, 0,8 A) also in winter (at around -10°C).

What about high-frequency noise or overload at the relay? Is there an opto-coupler to separate the USB connection?

Till now I use the ralay card from gwr-elektronik but it seems to me that there is no protection of the USB connection. Furthermore, one relay for the mentioned motors is brocken now, don´t know why…

shop.strato.de/epages/61125483.s … 0-05USB.V1

Usefull in my case would be a relay to reverse the polarity of the motors (for forward and backward rotation). I have two motors which are used to open the door and two end-switches for each motor (open and closed). Therefore, I need 5 relays only to manage this.

Thanks for advice!

best regards,

For the battery issue, we’d recommend to check with the supplier/mlanufacturer of the battery.
The USB connection of this card is not isolated.
If desired, you can add an external USB isolator (sorry, not in our range).

We’d recommend to use external relays to control the motors.
This will help avoid issues related to the high motor current and generated interference.
You can control the external relays with the K8090 relays.