I want to buy a K8084 but i am a question. Il want to know the distance between the hole and thier diameter.
Thank you
I want to buy a K8084 but i am a question. Il want to know the distance between the hole and thier diameter.
Thank you
Please be more specific.
You can write in french if you like.
En français, c’est plus facile.
J’aimerais acheter le kit 8084, mais je me pose une question, seule les dimension extérieur du circuit sont donnée. Moi j’aimerais savoir l’entre-axe entre les potentiomètre et le diamètre de perçage. Aussi s’il est possible de connaitre épaisseur maximum de tôle que l’on peut serrer.
Merci d’avance,
I will try to explain what i want in english.
I would like to know the distance beetween two hole for the variable resistor and it diameter.
Thanks you
Distance between the potmeters (centers): potm1 <- 35mm -> potm2 <- 26mm -> potm3
Mounting hole: 7mm diameter
Thanks you very much
see you .