I got until yesterday a fine working 8076 programmer.
But yesterday it started to give me error’s like no programmer found.
Disconnecting the power en reconnect it solved the problem.
But suddenly i got the message that the pic in the programmer was not the same as the one i would like to program. Thinking of a devective device i got a new 628A en that one worked fine.
I went on debugging today and as a result i got more errors and 3 more PIC that are not reconiced allthough they seem to work fine in the application.
Number six just went “dead”… Again i got the response that the device in the programmer is not the same as selected. In the meantime i dit not change any configuration settings.
Nore the device was in any electrical circuit. What i dit notice is a small flicker of the red light when i connected the programmer.
I am getting realy pissed now having no devices more to go on developing
I now got just one of the PIC’s left. Whilest programming this one using the Velleman program one starts with loading the HEX file. At that moment the program checks for a programmer and if the device selected is the device in the programmer. That works out OK. After loading the HEX file i started programming and got the message that the device in the programmer was not the correct one.
Do not trow away the assumed defective pics!
I have had a similar problem in the past. I’ve informed the designers of the circuit and they are looking into it. In my case, the pics were not defective, but they got in a certain ‘locked’ state. I was able to ‘unlock’ them simply by reprogramming them with a Microchip ICD2 programmer.
Might work with an other programmer too. Since then, I have not had the problem anymore. Have been a happy user of the K8076 programmer ever since. If you do not have access to a programmer, you can send them to us, and we can try to ‘unlock’ them. There is no guarantee it will work, but it is worth a try. Should you decide to send them in, make sure they cannot get damaged during shipping (bent or broken pins), as we cannot take responsability for that.
Thank you for the offer but we just ordered a Microchip programmer and wil be trowing away the Velleman 8076 as this programmer is not realibly anymore.