Go this 8076´1 pic programmer. build. The LD4 led keeps lightning red all time… what could the reson be…wich componets could be damaged.
Go this 8076´1 pic programmer. build. The LD4 led keeps lightning red all time… what could the reson be…wich componets could be damaged.
it could be a simple short circuit, check the soldering on the PCB.
(note: take the microchip out, just in case!)
I hope I have helped,
After a look to the circuit diagram of the K8076:
If LD4 stays on all the time (with no serial cable connected to the board), then there is something wrong around T1 or T2.
First check of both transistors are of the correct type (are they not interchanged?)
Then check for short circuits near R5, R6, R8, R8 and D4 (including their PCB connections of course).
Then replace T1 and T2.
Hello, if my red light stay on with the serial cable but not without, you know what is the cause ?