K8068 error


I make 7 off this dimmer 1 with error led 1blink than 4 time`s short error report see,

Time out in the negative altrnation of the mains voltage during self test.
selution( error in the voltage zero crossing circuit in unchared condition (circuit T1…)

oke now what to do

B.V.B thanks

The zerro-cross signal detection doesn’t work.
This could be by one of the following components:
R1,R3,R4 - C1, D5 and T1.
Check there value, position and solder joints.

[quote=“VEL456”]The zerro-cross signal detection doesn’t work.
This could be by one of the following components:
R1,R3,R4 - C1, D5 and T1.
Check there value, position and solder joints.[/quote]


Well i have chkt the parts you see but thare is no problem with it.
What can i do more … i think the mosfet is defect if i do a chk voll close contakt with multiemeter is this normal!.

You can exchange the FET (same type) or send the kit to us for repair.