
Hi all

I’ve just bought a K8062 USB to DMX convertor and just can’t get it to work after assembly :cry:

When I power it up in test mode, I get a power light and the DMX signal light flashes twice then stops. Pressing the test button again starts the DMX signal LED flashing. The flashes get longer the more the test button is pressed.

All seems ok so far.

But it just won’t control any fixtures at all :open_mouth:

I’ve measured the voltage at the output from the board and just get a constant voltage between all pins. I was expecting a variable signal. Is this correct?

Voltage results are as follows (the constant voltage changes with the number of test button presses) :-

No of presses : pins 1 and 2 : pins 1 and 3
0 : 3.55 : 1.34
10 : 2.93 : 1.97
50 : 2.62 : 2.29
100 : 2.62 : 2.29

Everything seems to be in the right place as far as I can tell.

Does anyone have any ideas?

Thanks in advance


The LED flashing and the voltages you measured seem to be OK.
Have you tried to swap the DMX signal wires (pin 2 and pin 3).
Some fixtures need inverted signal.

Thanks for the feedback :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, I’ve just tried that and no joy :open_mouth:

I’m having the same issue, the LEDs flash as they should and I can see the voltage at the output, but the lights do not get controlled. They did seem to be controlled for a few moments (quite erractically) so I’m not sure if a component just got busted in the meantime… now which one?