K8062 dll problems

hey guys,

i am working under VB2008 and when I call the K8062D.dll it seems to not work.

must important code:

private sub form_load
end sub

private sub set_data(byval channel as integer, byval waarde as integer)
end sub

hopefully somebody can help me.

best regards, timmie

The only difference to the demo program for VB.NET is that in your code there is:

In the original code:

The DLL function names are case sensitive.


in my case that is not the problem

Visual Basic itself is not case sensitive and it automaticly renames setdata to SetData.
only I typed wrong here.

Is the demo software working?
Have you tried the demo project for Visual Basic .NET. It should work in VB2008 too…

yes that works fine

hmmm first it seemed that the demo works but it does not spit out any value, when i dump K8062e.exe in my system32 map it seems to work. the dmx led flashes but there is no data parsed on to the dmx signal

Have you tried the program DMX_Demo.exe in the CD folder: “D:\K8062 - VM116 DMX light controller\DMX Demo soft” ?
Have you checked the lack of the DMX signal by a DMX fixture or looking the DMX data stream with an oscilloscope?

i have tried both
the scoop does not show any data
and the dmx fixtures does not work either.
dmx_demo.exe works strange enough

Is just the data missing or are the BREAK, MAB and STOP BITS missing too?

More info about the DMX signal on: dmx512-online.com/packt.html

all signals are being send except the actual data

Is this the case with all the demo software on the CD and with the downloaded programs from Velleman downloads site? - Only the pulses (MAB and STOP bits) are sent according to the image but no data? This is strange.

I know but what does K8062e.exe do? should i start it before i call the dll?

The K8062e.exe contains some code for the USB communication. Actually it transmits the data to the USB bus.
Just put it to the same folder where the DLL is.
Your software uses the DLL calls. The DLL starts and stops the K8062e.exe automatically.

vel255 if I start my aplication and call StartDevice I don’t think the exe starts also
because when I start it handmaticely the dmxled flashes
when I just call the dll it does not

To test this strange behaviour please go on the Kitsoft CD to the folder D:\K8062 - VM116 DMX light controller\DMX Demo soft.
There run the DMX_demo.exe.
Then press Ctrl+Alt+Del and go to Task Manager.
There select Processes tab.
In the list there should be K8062e.exe. - Isn’t it there?

If it is there - then make this same check with your own application.

yes it is being started i will check it on a other computer too

I have the same problem.
When I open the vb.net sample project with VB2005, it is converted to this version of vb.net and it works directly on windows XP and on windows vista I have a delay of ±10sec before data is send but it works.

The problem is when I copy the dll files to a complete new VB2005 project i can’t make a reference to the files. Also copying them in the bin folder and release folder didn’t help. When I start my application i get next error:
Kan DLL k8062d.dll niet laden: Kan opgegeven module niet vinden. (Uitzondering van HRESULT: 0x8007007E)

Although I used the same code as in the example.

Problem solved, couldn’t believe that copying the 3 files to the windows/system32 directory could solve the problem because the example programme worked without copying those files, but that whas the reason.
Probably when he converts the example of vb net project to vb2005 project he somewhere reroutes the path to the dll’s and exe file.

Strange that the VB2005 didn’t find the files from the bin folder.
Anyhow - good that the problem is solved now.

but with me the problem stays
i am going try to let it work this evening