K8062 - commands to communicate with dimmer lights


i am using k8062 (USB/DMX)device to communicate with dimmer lights through the LABVIEW software . Can anyone tell me 'what type of commands can be used to communicate with the dimmer lights…,
or can anyone have the protocol information for k8062 device.

my hardware connections are…
PC(LABVIEW software)---->USB/DMX interface (Velleman, K8062)----->DMX cable----->Dimmer pack ( 4 channels) ----> Lights.

please help me
thanking you in advance


I think you can use the K8062D.DLL functions from within the LabVIEW.
Put also K8062E.EXE in the same folder.

Use Google to search “dll in labview” (in quotes) and you’ll find a lot of help how to use a DLL in LabVIEW.

There is one example program for LabVIEW in the downloads section:
3rd. party, National Instruments LabVIEW driver for the K8055 board