
K8061 VM140 found short Voltage dips duration 10ms at the analogue output can this be solved
is it possible to use the same software for VM140 and VM110 ?
Where do I get box for the cards

[quote]K8061 VM140 found short Voltage dips duration 10ms at the analogue output can this be solved[/quote]There should not be any voltage dips at the analogue outputs.
Have you checked the power supply?
Is it stable?
I’m curious to know what is the amplitude of the voltage dips and how often they occur?

[quote]is it possible to use the same software for VM140 and VM110 ?[/quote]Yes, but you have to use alias names or namespaces to prevent DLL function name collisions.
Please see: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2295

[quote]Where do I get box for the cards[/quote]There are no specially made boxes for these cards.
You have to use some standard boxes.
Please see: velleman.eu/products/search/ … oup=344199
velleman.eu/products/search/ … oup=352500

The voltage dips accour in irregular intervalls 30s 7s they have a n amount of 10-15ms they go down to 0V
measured them at anologue input 1
at 4 there are no dips
also 5V supply

Are there voltage dips at other analog outputs 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 or 8 too?
Are there voltage dips at the analog-to-digital converter’s IC 7 outputs?

measured at 3 there are no voltage dips

Are the voltage dips only at output 1 ?

Measured at the other 2-8 inputs no dips while 30s observed
after thar measured at 1 after 5 second one dip but after that stable output
measured with LED connected to signal outputs parrale to that an digital storage equipment
can this perhaps be an EMC topic is the board Emc protected power supply inputs and outputs

Indeed, this may be EMC issue.
The inputs and outputs are not protected.

Now put the LED on an experimental board so that no clamps are used
everything is fine now