K8061 x64 Windows 7

I would like to use my k8061 on a Windows 7 x64
After searching on Google for hours I still haven’t found
drivers and/or example software which work.

Are there drivers? Or is there something else I can do
to let my k8061 work again?

thank you

Roy van Marrewijk

Download the Vistapack: velleman.eu/downloads/files/ … 2007v1.zip
There is the driver version you can use in Windows 7 x64.
After installing this driver you can only use the DLL and the example programs of the Vistapack.

Thank you for the answer…!!

When I try to connect the k8061 with
the VB.NET(2005) i get the message CPU fail and
USB connected.

is there an explanation for this?

Does the K8061 work with any of the compiled demo programs in the Vistapack?
E.g. the K8061_Demo.exe in the \Delphi folder.

no the Delphi .exe doesn’t work either…

I’m also pretty sure that the board is working, because it did a half year ago
with Windows XP.

Thank you for the quick reaction

Is the RUN LED LD12 flashing when only the power adaptor is connected?

No it didden’t

I changed the + and -, and now it works

Thank you!!!

Indeed, there is a reverse voltage protection diode on the board. :slight_smile: