[K8061] sending R/T data to other program

Hello all,

I would like to use the K8061 as a real time interface in the software I am using called Pure Data ( www.puredata.info ) which is comparable to MAX MSP. How can I do this?

Somebody already made a user interface (or: external object) for the K8055 for Pure Data, if that works I don’t know because I don’t have a K8055, on XP it just crashes Pure Data when I open that object. One can find it here: akkiko.kilu.de/

What is the best method of making a new user interface for Pure Data? Use that object as a base or make something new?

A few notes that may be useful:

  • Pure Data already has a lot of communication objects like [HID] (which communicates with mouse, keyboard or game controllers via USB) and [comport] which can communicate with … comports. I tried to contact with the K8061 via USB port with that object but that was not possible but may be it is useful to communicate with a virtual comport?

  • I would actually like to use it multiplatform because I am on OS X but that is just a wish and not a must because I am running Virtualbox with XP and Windows 7 64 bit and in both the K8061 and test programs work fine. On Win7 it seems to work twice as fast (vista driver) with the VB example.

I can imagine that the driver/software needs to be specifically written for use with ‘Pure Data’. All the software and drivers that we provide are probably not compatible. Maybe another forum user has had an experience with the K8061 and this ‘Pure Data’ software.