Hello all,
I would like to use the K8061 as a real time interface in the software I am using called Pure Data ( www.puredata.info ) which is comparable to MAX MSP. How can I do this?
Somebody already made a user interface (or: external object) for the K8055 for Pure Data, if that works I don’t know because I don’t have a K8055, on XP it just crashes Pure Data when I open that object. One can find it here: akkiko.kilu.de/
What is the best method of making a new user interface for Pure Data? Use that object as a base or make something new?
A few notes that may be useful:
Pure Data already has a lot of communication objects like [HID] (which communicates with mouse, keyboard or game controllers via USB) and [comport] which can communicate with … comports. I tried to contact with the K8061 via USB port with that object but that was not possible but may be it is useful to communicate with a virtual comport?
I would actually like to use it multiplatform because I am on OS X but that is just a wish and not a must because I am running Virtualbox with XP and Windows 7 64 bit and in both the K8061 and test programs work fine. On Win7 it seems to work twice as fast (vista driver) with the VB example.