K8061 problems

we have problems to activate singel digital channels (SetDigitalChannel) with the K8061.dll in VB6 on the K8061 Board.
The commands to set all digital channels work ok.
In the past we work with the VM110 Board and all the commands to set the single channels work.
Can someone help?


I tested the SetDigitalChannel by adding a button to the K8061_Demo.vbp project.
Then I assigned following code to the button and everything seems to work fine:

Private Sub Command2_Click() SetDigitalChannel CardAddress, 1 End Sub

…or if you use card #0 just simply type:

SetDigitalChannel 0, 1

thanks it works.

I write the code as shown in the example SetDigitalChannel (0, 1), this was the mistake.

Thank you

Sorry about the misleading example code. All the examples in the function and procedure description section of the document are written for Delphi.

In VB6, parentheses are required around arguments when making function calls, but not when calling a subroutine.

But in VB 2005 and VB.NET, all functions or subroutine calls require parentheses around the parameter list (even if the parameter list is empty) e.g.: SetAllDigital()