K8061 + k8055

Thank you for the info.
It’s good that you found a solution!

have data that is not detected by K8061 for 1200 s the machine is fast enough shielding is there where can data loss come from
have only 50 c without shielding Greetings nice day

Also the power supply connection can cause this kind of problems:
Please see the reply from VEL417 in this thread:
Please see also the last post of the thread for a solution.

can the disturbance influence devices with weak protection had same problem with router the machni is never disturbed perhabs because better protection read the post but didnt understand how he solved problem may a dll problem cause the ack of data or has K8061 been tested with long term stability why is K8055 called experimental device
Greetings think about …

if there is a disturbance from somewhere the the system will stop to work there will be no restart of the system if the distubance is not there
there must greetings nice day sincerly

It seems, that in electrically “noisy” environment both the K8055/VM110 and K8061/VM140 require shielding against electromagnetic interference (EMI).

yes agree think the problem is solved stopped Internet connection of the machine now since 4 hours no problem think that the Internet caused storage malfunctions of the machine greetings nice day

up to know no problems card works perfect nice day sincerly
need a box that contrals internet traffic could … department do that
Greetings nice day sincerly

have no internet connection still have data lack so there must another reason perhaps someone is able to surround the router barrier or there is still EMC problem was card tested with long term stability perhaps general problem of K8061 ? could need customer with working K8061 Greetings nice day

Are you using the new DLL version and the new driver version ?
If not, you may try using them.
For more info please see:

Use file version and product version
resetted the machine up to now no problemperhaps two effects memory was not enough
and another still unknown

up to now K8055 works stable one question havw a routine that gets 10s value every 5 , 3 7 value later K8055 has 11s so one s added
so K8055 gets sequebce 10,10,10,11,10,10,11,10,10,10,11 as example advice nice
Greetings nice day sincerly

Sorry, I do not quite understand your question, please elaborate on the problem.

the problem is that K8055 or the routine causes additional delay of 1s is K8061 the reason or thre routine where calculation is done
the K8055 has miliseconds these are roundet to 1s if 500ms are reached so that the routine has 1s delay astonishing is that the this occurs every 7 ,cles3,6,8 cy of the routine Greetings nice day How long would signal take from K8055 to routine?
Greetings kind anticipation of response thank

The cause to this kind of problem is that the K8055 sends the data to the USB bus continuously. The interval of the data packets sent is about 7ms…8ms.
There in the USB engine of the PC is a scrolling buffer storing the received data packets.
When your PC software requests the data it doesn’t get it directly from the K8055, but from this buffer. This is why the received data seems to be “old”.
The DLL doesn’t cause this delay.

The only way to get “fresh” data is to repeat the requests to purge the USB buffer.

In the USB interface boards K8061 and K8055N all the data from the card is received by sending a request from the PC software to the card. The card responds with the requested data. There is no latency in the K8061 and K8055N.

For more info, please see the last post of this thread: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=8630

For some time delay data please see:

Looking for an Internet protokoll analyzer how much costs such a device
as long as Internet is not used there are no problems with the data loss
advice nice Greetings

K8061 works perfect if no Internet is connected but when the routine starts there is some time delay of data is that caused by initialization of K8061 Greetings nice day

[quote]when the routine starts there is some time delay of data is that caused by initialization of K8061[/quote]Yes, there can be some delay due to the initialization of the USB communication process.
This should occur only when the application software is starting. When running, the communication delay should be milliseconds only.

K8061 is runs stable now only one question the routine should get data every 10 s and 100ms the summation caus 11s
some data has 12s where come the additiomal 1s frm ?
Greetings nice day

How the timing is done in your application software. Are you using a timer or other means?