Hi, I’m trying to translate the driver into c#. My problem is that I have to open 1 card at a time. Multiple applications need to open there own K8061 card. So after some digging the web, I arrived at this point, but now I’m stuck.
var numberOfCards = MPUSB.GetDeviceCount(vid_pid_norm);
numberOfCards is always 0. Anybody any Idea (I’m on a Win7 64Bit, so put your project in x86 mode) and copy the mpusbapi.dll to your bin/debug folder
[code]using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using DWORD = System.UInt32;
using HANDLE = System.UInt32;
public class MPUSB
public const DWORD SUCCESS = 1;
public const DWORD FAIL = 0;
public enum PipeDir : uint
Write = 0,
Read = 1
public const int maxDevs = 127;
[DllImport("mpusbapi.dll", EntryPoint = "_MPUSBGetDLLVersion", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern DWORD MPUSBGetDLLVersion();
//, EntryPoint = "_MPUSBGetDeviceCount", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
[DllImport("mpusbapi.dll", EntryPoint = "_MPUSBGetDeviceCount")]
public static extern DWORD GetDeviceCount([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string pVID_PID);
[DllImport("mpusbapi.dll", EntryPoint = "_MPUSBOpen", SetLastError = true, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern DWORD Open(DWORD instance,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string pVID_PID,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string pEP,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] PipeDir dwDir,
DWORD dwReserved);
[DllImport("mpusbapi.dll", EntryPoint = "_MPUSBRead", SetLastError = true, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern DWORD Read(HANDLE handle,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)] byte[] pData,
DWORD dwLen,
out DWORD pLength,
DWORD dwMilliseconds);
[DllImport("mpusbapi.dll", EntryPoint = "_MPUSBWrite", SetLastError = true, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern DWORD Write(HANDLE handle,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)] byte[] pData,
DWORD dwLen,
out DWORD pLength,
DWORD dwMilliseconds);
[DllImport("mpusbapi.dll", EntryPoint = "_MPUSBReadInt", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern DWORD ReadInt(HANDLE handle,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)] byte[] pData,
DWORD dwLen,
out DWORD pLength,
DWORD dwMilliseconds);
[DllImport("mpusbapi.dll", EntryPoint = "_MPUSBClose", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern bool Close(HANDLE handle);
public static DWORD DLLVersion { get { return MPUSBGetDLLVersion(); } }
public static void GetDLLVersion(out ushort major, out ushort minor)
DWORD ver = DLLVersion;
major = (ushort)(DLLVersion >> 16);
minor = (ushort)(DLLVersion & 0x0000FFFF);
[code]using System;
using DWORD = System.UInt32;
namespace K8061DriverCSharp
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var prgr = new K8061Connector(1);
catch (Exception ex)
public class K8061Connector : IDisposable
public const string vid_pid_norm = "vid_10cf&pid_8061";
const string out_pipe = @"\MCHP_EP1";
const string in_pipe = @"\MCHP_EP1";
internal static readonly IntPtr INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = new IntPtr(-1);
private uint myOutPipe;
private uint myInPipe;
public int CardNumber { get; set; }
public bool IsOpen { get; set; }
public int NumberOfCards { get; set; }
public K8061Connector(int cardNumber)
CardNumber = cardNumber;
SetDigitalChannel(0, true);
private bool Open()
//ushort a = 0;
//ushort b = 0;
//MPUSB.GetDLLVersion(out a,out b);
if (IsOpen) return true;
IsOpen = false;
var numberOfCards = MPUSB.GetDeviceCount(vid_pid_norm);
NumberOfCards = Convert.ToInt32(numberOfCards);
//if (NumberOfCards==0) throw new Exception("No cards found!");
DWORD selection = 0;// (DWORD)CardNumber; // Selects the device to connect to, in this example it is assumed you will only have one device per vid_pid connected.
myOutPipe = MPUSB.Open(selection, vid_pid_norm, out_pipe, MPUSB.PipeDir.Write, 0);
myInPipe = MPUSB.Open(selection, vid_pid_norm, in_pipe, MPUSB.PipeDir.Read, 0);
if (myInPipe == 0 || myOutPipe == 0) return false;
var send_buf = new byte[1];
var receive_buf = new byte[2];
send_buf[0] = 12; //JUMPERS
uint bytesWritten;
uint bytesRead;
var h1 = MPUSB.Write(myOutPipe, send_buf, (uint)send_buf.Length, out bytesWritten, 1000);
var h2 = MPUSB.Write(myInPipe, receive_buf, (uint)receive_buf.Length, out bytesRead, 1000);
var tmp = receive_buf[1];
var count = MPUSB.GetDeviceCount(vid_pid_norm);
IsOpen = true;
return IsOpen;
#region Analog
public int ReadAnalogChannel(int channel)
if (channel > 8) channel = 8;
if (channel < 1) channel = 1;
var send_buf = new byte[2];
var receive_buf = new byte[4];
send_buf[0] = 0; //READ_ANALOG_CH
send_buf[1] = Convert.ToByte((channel - 1));
OutIn(send_buf, receive_buf);
int result = receive_buf[2] + 256 * receive_buf[3];
return result;
public int ReadAllAnalog()
var send_buf = new byte[1];
send_buf[0] = 1; // READ_ALL_ANALOG
var receive_buf = new byte[17];
OutIn(send_buf, receive_buf);
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
var n = receive_buf[i * 2 + 1] + 256 * receive_buf[i * 2 + 2];
// n:=receive_buf[i*2+1]+256*receive_buf[i*2+2];
return 1;
public void OutputAnalogChannel(int channel, byte value)
if (channel > 8) channel = 8;
if (channel < 1) channel = 1;
var send_buf = new byte[3];
var receive_buf = new byte[4];
send_buf[0] = 2; // OUT_ANALOG_CH
send_buf[1] = Convert.ToByte((channel - 1));
send_buf[2] = value;
OutIn(send_buf, receive_buf);
public void OutputAnalogChannel(int channel, byte[] values)
if (channel > 8) channel = 8;
if (channel < 1) channel = 1;
if (values.Length == 0 || values.Length > 8) throw new Exception("Invalid values length");
var send_buf = new byte[9];
var receive_buf = new byte[2];
send_buf[0] = 3; // OUT_ALL_ANALOG
send_buf[1] = Convert.ToByte((channel - 1));
for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
send_buf[i + 1] = values[i];
OutIn(send_buf, receive_buf);
public void ClearAnalogChannel(int channel)
if (channel > 8) channel = 8;
if (channel < 1) channel = 1;
var send_buf = new byte[3];
var receive_buf = new byte[4];
send_buf[0] = 2; // OUT_ANALOG_CH
send_buf[1] = Convert.ToByte((channel - 1));
send_buf[2] = 0;
OutIn(send_buf, receive_buf);
public void ClearAllAnalog()
var send_buf = new byte[9];
var receive_buf = new byte[2];
send_buf[0] = 3; // OUT_ALL_ANALOG
OutIn(send_buf, receive_buf);
public void SetAnalogChannel(int channel)
if (channel > 8) channel = 8;
if (channel < 1) channel = 1;
var send_buf = new byte[3];
var receive_buf = new byte[4];
send_buf[0] = 2; // OUT_ANALOG_CH
send_buf[1] = Convert.ToByte((channel - 1));
send_buf[2] = 255;
OutIn(send_buf, receive_buf);
public byte[] ReadBackAnalogOut()
var send_buf = new byte[1];
var receive_buf = new byte[9];
send_buf[0] = 15; // READ_ANALOG_OUT
OutIn(send_buf, receive_buf);
var returnData = new byte[8];
for (int i = 8; i < 9; i++)
returnData[i] = receive_buf[i];
return returnData;
#region PWM
public void OutputPWM(int value)
var send_buf = new byte[3];
var receive_buf = new byte[4];
send_buf[0] = 4; //OUT_PWM
byte lo = 0; // todo:
byte hi = 0; // todo:
send_buf[1] = lo;
send_buf[2] = hi;
OutIn(send_buf, receive_buf);
public int ReadBackPWMOut()
var send_buf = new byte[1];
var receive_buf = new byte[3];
send_buf[0] = 16; // READ_PWM_OUT
OutIn(send_buf, receive_buf);
var result = receive_buf[1] + 4 * receive_buf[2];
return result;
#region Digital
public byte ReadAllDigital()
var send_buf = new byte[1];
var receive_buf = new byte[2];
send_buf[0] = 5; //READ_DIGITAL_BYTE
OutIn(send_buf, receive_buf);
var result = receive_buf[1];
return result;
public byte OutputAllDigital(byte value)
var send_buf = new byte[2];
var receive_buf = new byte[3];
send_buf[0] = 6; //OUT_DIGITAL_BYTE
send_buf[1] = value;
OutIn(send_buf, receive_buf);
var result = receive_buf[1];
return result;
public byte ReadDigitalChannel(int channel)
if (channel > 8) channel = 8;
if (channel < 1) channel = 1;
var send_buf = new byte[1];
var receive_buf = new byte[2];
send_buf[0] = 5; //READ_DIGITAL_BYTE
OutIn(send_buf, receive_buf);
var result = receive_buf[1];
return result;
public void ClearDigitalChannel(int channel)
if (channel > 8) channel = 8;
if (channel < 1) channel = 1;
var send_buf = new byte[2];
var receive_buf = new byte[3];
var k = 255 - Math.Round(Math.Exp((channel - 1) * Math.Log(2)));
send_buf[0] = 7; // Clear Digital Channel
send_buf[1] = Convert.ToByte(k);
OutIn(send_buf, receive_buf);
public void ClearAllDigital()
var send_buf = new byte[2];
var receive_buf = new byte[3];
send_buf[0] = 6; //OUT_DIGITAL_BYTE
send_buf[1] = 0;
OutIn(send_buf, receive_buf);
public void SetDigitalChannel(int channel, bool isOn)
if (channel > 8) channel = 8;
if (channel < 1) channel = 1;
double k = 0;
var send_buf = new byte[2];
var receive_buf = new byte[3];
if (isOn)
k = Math.Round(Math.Exp((channel - 1) * Math.Log(2)));
send_buf[0] = 8; // Set Digital Channel
send_buf[1] = Convert.ToByte(k);
k = 255 - Math.Round(Math.Exp((channel - 1) * Math.Log(2)));
send_buf[0] = 7; // Clear Digital Channel
send_buf[1] = Convert.ToByte(k);
OutIn(send_buf, receive_buf);
public void SetAllDigital()
var send_buf = new byte[2];
var receive_buf = new byte[3];
send_buf[0] = 6; //OUT_DIGITAL_BYTE
send_buf[1] = 255;
OutIn(send_buf, receive_buf);
public byte ReadBackDigitalOut()
var send_buf = new byte[1];
var receive_buf = new byte[2];
send_buf[0] = 14; //READ_DIGITAL_OUT
OutIn(send_buf, receive_buf);
var result = receive_buf[1];
return result;
public bool PowerGood()
var send_buf = new byte[1];
var receive_buf = new byte[2];
send_buf[0] = 13; // POWER_STATUS
OutIn(send_buf, receive_buf);
var result = Convert.ToBoolean(receive_buf[1]);
return result;
public string ReadVersion()
var send_buf = new byte[1];
var receive_buf = new byte[49];
send_buf[0] = 11; // READ_VERSION
OutIn(send_buf, receive_buf);
var data1 = "";
for (int i = 1; i < 25; i++)
data1 += receive_buf[i].ToString();
var data2 = "";
for (int i = 25; i < 49; i++)
data2 += receive_buf[i].ToString();
return data1 + " " + data2;
private void OutIn(byte[] sendBuffer, byte[] receiveBuffer)
uint bytesWritten;
uint bytesRead;
uint h;
if (!IsOpen) return;
h = MPUSB.Write(myOutPipe, sendBuffer, (uint)sendBuffer.Length, out bytesWritten, 1000);
if (h == 0)
h = MPUSB.Read(myInPipe, receiveBuffer, (uint)receiveBuffer.Length, out bytesRead, 1000);
if (h == 0)
private void CheckInvalidHandle()
// Most likely cause of the error is the board was disconnected.
public void Close()
IsOpen = false;
if (myInPipe != 0)
myInPipe = 0;
if (myOutPipe != 0)
myOutPipe = 0;
public void Dispose()
IsOpen = false;
if (myInPipe != 0) MPUSB.Close(myInPipe);
if (myOutPipe != 0) MPUSB.Close(myOutPipe);