K8061 dll not found

I’m writing a program in VB6 using the k8061. I copied the dll into the windows/system32 folder as instructed, but any calls to the dll in my program still result in a file not found k8061.dll, error. What is really strange is the demo VB program works fine.
Any hints would be helpful.

Strange that VB doesn’t find the DLL from the windows/system32 folder. You may copy the DLL to the same folder where you have your VB source and check if it works.

Example syntax:

Declare Function GetSystemMetrics Lib "User32" (ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long

This line declares the windows function GetSystemMetrics from User32.dll located in your system directory. Note that the filename does not contain an extension.

If you could provide us with the error message itself, we might be able to shed some more light on the situation.

I noticed that the demo program had another .dll in its folder (mpusbapi.dll), so I copied it to my project folder. Now my project works. Did this really fix my problem? Whats this .dll for?

When I use CloseDevices the device disconnects, but I can not reconnect (OpenDevice) unless I unplug the USB cable and restart the program. This will not be an issue when the project is done, but it sure is annoying during development. Anyone else have this issue?

The mpusbapi.dll is needed for the USB communication. Will be added to the documentation.
CloseDevices is needed only to call when you exit your application.
Can you run and close the K8061_Demo.EXE several times without unplugging the USB cable?