I finished soldering my kit this morning.
when I connect it to my computer wiht the demo program, all is working except analog input. and I got the message CPU Fail
the “run” led is on
analog outputs work
digital output work
digital input work
in diag mode, i got the USB chip’s firmware version , but nothing for CPU chip
This is very strange. It seems that the microcontroller IC6 is only partially working.
Is the TX/RX LED (LD11) lit and flickering continuously when you run the demo or the diagnosis program?
when running the diag:
the RX/TX lit only when i make an action like setting or reseting digital output
When running the demo:
the RX/TX flicker continously ( 5Hz on my frequencemeter)
I checked the flickering frequency of the RX/TX LED, it is about 5kHz.
There seems to be something strange in the operation of your card.
The LED should flicker all the time when running the diagnostics program.
Do you get the feedback “Card 1 connected” when you click the Open button.
In any case it seems that there may be a defective component on your card. - Maybe IC6.
I think you have checked the card carefully…
If everything seems to be OK but it is still not working you can send it to Velleman for checking.
no, I got “card 0 connected” but i think it is the same…
I made à mistake in my test, in fact Digital input don’t work.
so, it seem I can write to the CPU Chip, but I can’t read it.
is that help you ?
I remade the welding around IC1 and IC2, now it is working
thanks for your help