

first of all, the K8060 is a very fine and simple Amp that works greatful! But I´ve some questions about it:

  1. The poti in the package was 1K Ohm, not a 500 Ohm as shown in the manual. So by trying to adjust the bias suddenly the current shot up to …?.. and the Darlingtons lost their lives. Is this 1K - poti the correct one? Or is it better to replace it with a 500 Ohm?

  2. I want to install a Volume - control, just like the manual proposes. It says: "…see diagram ". But there is no hint! Is it right to change R1 (47K) to a 50 K - poti? In which way the Amp works better, with a lin or a log poti?

  3. I got a beautiful transformer with 2 x 35 V, maybe about 50V DC. I like to drive the K8060 with this item. Will the Amp work correctly with it? The Darlingtons are strong enough up to 100V, also the other Transistors.

Thanks for any answer

The 1K potmeter is OK.

Hereby a link that shows how to connect a volume potmeter. Always use a log potmeter for audio.
47 or 50K is fine.

2x30V is the absolute max. voltage.
You can run the unit from 2x35V but it will put extra stress on the components and it will run hotter. Long term reliability cannot be guaranteed.

[quote=“VEL417”]The 1K potmeter is OK.

Hereby a link that shows how to connect a volume potmeter. Always use a log potmeter for audio.
47 or 50K is fine.

2x30V is the absolute max. voltage.
You can run the unit from 2x35V but it will put extra stress on the components and it will run hotter. Long term reliability cannot be guaranteed.[/quote]

Hello again,

many thanks for Your quick response.
I´m afraid to have not enough time to be in my workshop an construate or repair my equipment, therefore it´s for more than a few weeks that I worked there. Anyway, in Your friendly answer You mentioned a link that shows the right connection of a vol-pot. (see above).
But sorry, there is no link. Or am I wrong an hadn´t seen it?

Best wishes


Sorry, hereby the link. Please allow 1h for server update:

[quote=“VEL417”]Sorry, hereby the link. Please allow 1h for server update:
Thank´s, that´s it.
It is the simplest mode I´ve ever seen but I think it will work.

Hy, I tried to connect the 47Kohm log for volume control like this: velleman.eu/images/tmp/POTM.jpg
I can control the volume but the problem is that I get disortion in sound and the hum. Previously when I didn’t have the pot. there was a hum until I pressed play on some song. When the song played there wasn’t any noticable hum.
P.S. I didn’t use shielded wire
could you help me with that? Thanks!

Make sure to use shielded wire, connect the shield to GND and make sure to avoid hum-loops.