K8060 noise(slight)

I have assembled two K8060 amps in one casing. I used two toroid amps 120VA/2 x 25V from Amplimo. Everything works nicely but when no input is connected, i have a slight pink noise coming from the speakers. When input is connected, i have an little humming.

I have set the bias for both amps at exactly 10.1mV. I also fitted the K4700 speaker protection.

Should i set the bias a bit higher?
Could this be a ground problem? (I think it’s the input RCA making contact to casing, can that be?)

Can it be that both toroids are inverted? I mean, ph/N?

Thank you for your response…

Hard to tell if it is normal or not, without exact figures.
The hum might be caused by a hum loop, check your wiring hookup.
Noise might be related to grounding of the chassis. Did you ground the chassis, if yes, how?

No i did not ground anything. maybe my rca chassis parts the casing
… I will check and get back to you…


PS: What happens if i configure the bias to 12 volts DC?

12VDC? We are sure you mean 12mV?
Class A output will be slightly higher but unit will run much hotter. Cannot say how much power will be delivered in class A before switching to AB, but it will not make much of a difference.


Yes I mean 12mVDC :laughing: . But I didn’t change it…Left both at 10,1mVDC

I have solved the humming and pink noise.

There was no grounding whatsoever so that was not the problem…

I changed 4 things:

1: Ph/N of toroids were inverted. Changed this because the K4700 shorts the ground, so that can give some noise.
2: fitted bigger caps on the K8060’s(4700uF/63V)
3: Fitted a DC Trap in the mains with 2 x 10.000uF caps and 8 fast(30ms) diodes 6A/1000V. That improved the quality of sound singnificantly and it costs virtually nothing…(about 12 euro’s in parts, eliminates all DC current going in to toroids)
4: Re-fitted wiring so no mains and signal lines run next to eachother

Problem solved, and a happy Velleman user 8)

Thanks a lot


How much power is provided in class A in standard conditions?

Just wondering :question:

Happy to read you were able to solve the problem.
Sorry, but the class A power has not been measured. Should not be more than a couple of watts.