

Just finished with the assembly of my second K8056 board and have the follwing problem

All Relais from 1 to 7 do work except #8 does not respond when sending a command via the RS232 port. Relais #8 does switch if I connect a switch to the input.

If I manually shorten the Collector/Base directly on the transistor it does respond.

Could somebody please tell me which element could be faulty ?

Thanks in advacnce for any hint what element to replace I would be very thankfull

Does it work with the manual test button ? Try with PIC of first relay board. If it works, return defective PIC for inspection/exchange.

No, it does not work with the manual test button.

How much does that 14 feet bug cost ?

I live in Mexico and bought the Kit in USA and mexican mail is not trustworthy and shipping the chip via any courier service costs me as much as a new board.


I have a EPROM programmer. Can I reprogram the chip in case it is defective ?

OK, so it does not work with the manual test button.
Now, did you try with the PIC from the K8056 that does work completely ?

[quote=“VEL417”]OK, so it does not work with the manual test button.
Now, did you try with the PIC from the K8056 that does work completely ?[/quote]

Yes, I just exchanged the PIC from the good board the the bad board and the problem remains the same. So it is not a PIC problem I would say.

Thanks for any tips …

Then either the transistor is defective or there is an interruption or short in the line from the µcontroller to the base of the transistor.

I have checked the board with a magnifying glass and everything looks proper. Will get a transistor and a diode and exchange them on the board. Maybe the transistor suffered from too much heat while soldering

Thanks so far

Problem solved

Transistor BC547B was damaged.

Exchanged tarnsistor and now it is running

Happy to read you were able to solve the problem.

All my other programs work with no problems its only when I try compiling the sample code suplied with the K8056.

Is there not maybe anything else I need to install or include to allow the program to talk through USB??

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