K8056 Serial instruction set is not working

Hello VEL448!

Today I had time enough to test the card.
But it did not work!
If I press the “TEST”-buttton I can switch through all relays - that´s OK!
If I send a serial code the “DATA indication”-led is flashing!
I have the right protocol setting: 2400/8/n/1
I tried it out with a terminal-program and send the following codes:
Hex 0D
Hex 01
Hex 53
Hex 01
Hex 9E

I checked if the codes are sent correctly with a second computer, where I saw the right Hex-codes coming in.

I didn´t found the test-software on www.velleman.be, just a program for Linux, not for windows.

Maybe the adress from the card is wrong? But the standard-adress is 1, isn´t it?
Is it correct to send the card adress and the relais-adress with a HEX-number (as you did in the example)?

Thank you in advance for your help!

Best regards,

Please use the windows test program written by Velleman to test your card. It includes a ‘show address’-button which will allow you to check the address to which your card is set. Please note that the card cannot be controlled with a terminal as the commands need to be sent in a row without interruption.


Thank you for your quick reply!
Where can I find the Windows Test-Software?
I didn´t found the test-software on www.velleman.be, just a program for Linux, not for windows.

Thank you in advance,


It can be found here: http://www.velleman.be/downloads/files/downloads/k8056_vb_demo.zip

The last weekend I had time for testing again. Thank you for the link, I used a second PC to check the codes coming out from the test program.
Then I wrote the same codes in the XML-File and it works!!javascript:emoticon(’:lol:’)
I have to control this card with a special SW which uses XML-Files to control a serial port…

Thank´s a lot for your help!

I have just built the board and I want to connect it to my house computer -small linux machine (NSLU2), but I can’t find the site k8056.free.fr It seems this have stoped working.

Anyone have the “k8056” linux source code?

or “K8056_20060928.tgz”

Original link (not working for some time)
vesta.homelinux.net/mediawikidir … 060928.tgz


newermind, they just seems to have moved arround there site.
All linux files are here now:

