Today I had time enough to test the card.
But it did not work!
If I press the “TEST”-buttton I can switch through all relays - that´s OK!
If I send a serial code the “DATA indication”-led is flashing!
I have the right protocol setting: 2400/8/n/1
I tried it out with a terminal-program and send the following codes:
Hex 0D
Hex 01
Hex 53
Hex 01
Hex 9E
I checked if the codes are sent correctly with a second computer, where I saw the right Hex-codes coming in.
I didn´t found the test-software on, just a program for Linux, not for windows.
Maybe the adress from the card is wrong? But the standard-adress is 1, isn´t it?
Is it correct to send the card adress and the relais-adress with a HEX-number (as you did in the example)?
Please use the windows test program written by Velleman to test your card. It includes a ‘show address’-button which will allow you to check the address to which your card is set. Please note that the card cannot be controlled with a terminal as the commands need to be sent in a row without interruption.
Thank you for your quick reply!
Where can I find the Windows Test-Software?
I didn´t found the test-software on, just a program for Linux, not for windows.
The last weekend I had time for testing again. Thank you for the link, I used a second PC to check the codes coming out from the test program.
Then I wrote the same codes in the XML-File and it works!!javascript:emoticon(’:lol:’)
I have to control this card with a special SW which uses XML-Files to control a serial port…
I have just built the board and I want to connect it to my house computer -small linux machine (NSLU2), but I can’t find the site It seems this have stoped working.