Has anyone managed to convert the demo software to Visual Basic 2010 yet?
This is my code:
Private Sub Btn_L1On_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Btn_L1On.Click
Btn_L1On.BackColor = Color.Green
Btn_L1Off.BackColor = Color.GhostWhite
The underlined parts are showing as errors. I’m new to VB so I apologise if this is a stupid mistake, but how do I change these to work in VB2010.
Thanks for any help you can provide,
Visual Basic 6 is a native Windows compiler, while what you call VB2010 is actually Visual Basic .NET (programming language) in Visual Studio 2010 (IDE). Both are VERY different.
[quote]ComPort.Output[/quote]ComPort is an ActiveX component to communicate with a serial port. The Output method can be used to send data. In Visual Basic .NET, you should use the SerialPort class (.NET 2.0 or higher) for serial communication.
[quote]Chr$(13)[/quote]I believe this converts the value 13 to a character so it can be appended to the messagestring. Concatenating strings in VB6 is done with the “&” character.
[quote]Asc(“S”)[/quote]This gets the ASCII value for the character “S”.