K8056 card not working with remote

hi I have k8056 card with k8058 remote they are not working together and the card is working very good with computer I changed the RX 433 but still not working what can be the problem?

There can be many reasons.
Did you try the ‘force to address 1’ command?
Did you configure the remote for continuous operation and not single pulse?
Did you select the jumper ‘remote on’?
Did you select jumper ‘RF’ instead of ‘RS232’?
Did you select jumper ‘normal’ instead of ‘current’?
Does the manual test button of the K8056 work?

It is possible that the K8058 is not transmitting any RF, that is not something you can test yourself.

i have done all the all check ups you have mentioned.
also i have got 3 new boards (K8056 relay cards) with 3 new (k8058 remote control’s) all the same problem.
what is happening is when i press any number (1-8) no relays respond more over the Data led (led10) is not showing any activity in case of RF mode while in serial mode every thing works fine.
i have bought also a K8059 remote kit with K8057 relay card, just to test the receiver & transmitter of the K8508 & K8056 Rf modules all are working.
modules tested are RX433 ND433M & NM433A all working on the other board.
last i have tried all channels (using serial cable and make sure to return back the JP2 to RF mode) + force channel to 1 still no response>

so what else is needed to be done???

Sorry, I’m afraid we won’t be able to help you through this forum.
If you wish, you can return the units for inspection/repair to your distributor or to:

Velleman Projects Tech. Dept.
Legen Heirweg 33
9890 Gavere

Dear Support
i managed to work it out an they are up & running my question now i need to put these 4 cards in the same location, each card i gave it a different channel. i noticed that there is interference between these cards specially if i press them in the same time.
what can be done in this case???

As all cards work on the same frequency (433.92MHz) they cannot be used simultanously.
Sorry, this frequency cannot be changed.