K8056 and rs232 data

Hi, i’m comming here because i want to pilot the k8056 with rs 232.
i’ve test the soft on your web site , and each time i must to force the adress card to 1, if not adress to 1 forced before the first data send data send the command relay doesent works.

For command the relay 1
card adress(1)+instruction(S)+N°relay(1)+checksum(“n”=Asc(110))
I want command it with my “serial port terminal” on ubuntu13 if i send a file .txt like





, the relay 1 will be activated?

it doesent works and the port conf is ok 2400bps no parity …

Can you help me?

My pc config for the test with you downladed soft (windowsxp) and on the final configuration (ubunt)

For explications i want to pilot the card between an HTLM web broswer.
i’ve put Apache2 and PHP5 on the computer
For test the r232 and validity of transmission, i’ve made a little interfe for my “videoprojector emp9300” with rs232 control and it works i send “ZOOM inc” in Ascii and the video proj works.

But with the k8056, nothig happend…

i’ve with the windowsxp prod downloaded put the card in n°49

in php i use


$serial = new phpSerial();

$serial->sendMessage (Chr(13);
$serial->sendMessage ("1S1>");
$serial->sendMessage (Chr(13);
$serial->sendMessage ("1S1>");
$serial->sendMessage (Chr(13);
$serial->sendMessage ("1S1>");
$serial->sendMessage (Chr(13);
$serial->sendMessage ("1S1>");


and this code

i dont understand why the card doesent works?

Please Help.