K8055N kit - correct schematic?

I believe my K8055N kit has the wrong schematic but the correct parts list or vice versa. If not, the I have the wrong parts with my kit.

I have not checked all parts as yet but have noticed that resistors R1-R11 are listed as 680 Ohm and I do have these but the schematic contains no 680 Ohm resistors and R3,R4 are 1k, R1,R2,R5,R7,R10,R11 are 10k, R6,R7 are 100k and R8 and R9 are labelled as Gain1 and Gain2 respectively (very helpful although I’ve not read the booklet completely so their values may be defined there).

I’ve downloaded the SDK and the same booklet now has a schematic that seems to correspond to the parts I have although this has to be checked. For example R3,R4 on the schematic supplied with the kit are connected to analogue I/Ps A1, A2 on the new schematic the resistors to these I/Ps are R12, R13.

Also, my schematic does not contain the LM317 voltage regulator although there is an LM317 part and space for it on the PCB.

I need to check my PCB and parts against the info I downloaded from the SDK but it would be nice to have had the correct info with the kit. The PCB is labelled Vellemann P8055N-2 but can’t see nay other form of identification.

Finally, in the build “instructions” it states: Perform the assembly in the order as stated in this manual. Trouble is there is no order stated although this is not an issue for me however for a less experienced builder it may be. As another example the silk screen does not identify the pinout for the LM317 - I worked it out from the (new) schematic and the PCB. The diagram is not clear - the rectangle that matches the heatsink part is not obvious from the diagram. Would also have been better to make the drill holes large enough to pass all of the regulator pins through and mount snuggly on the PCB (VRs are normally bent to mount horizontally on a PCB against a heatsink pad).

If I check my PCB against the PCB and schematic from the downloaded SDK manual can I assume that that the parts I have match this or do I need to check absolutely everything. First time I’ve bought a Vellemann kit but so far I’m not impressed.

I’ve seen on the forum mention of a Windows 7 x64 version of the S/W but not found anything (yet) in the SDK.

If anybody can give me an answer to PCB/schematic/parts and S/W then it would save me a lot of time checking PCB against schematic and parts list.

Apologies for the lenght of this post,


I’m suspecting there is mismatch with the manual and the product.

You can find the manual for the K8055N here:

Thanks, but I’d already done this before I posted. My issue was that the version of the manual I got with my kit had a parts list that seemed to match the parts that came with the kit but the schematic in the manual did not match the parts. The schematic in the manual you referenced does match the parts I have both in component IDs and the PCB and the parts list agrees with the schematic in values and component IDs.

Having discovered the disparity with the documentation and parts I did not want to reverse engineer the PCB to a schematic and then verify that this agreed with the new manual. I think I will still do this to ensure that there are no further discrepancies before I start to assemble the kit. This is NOT something anybody should have to do.

Thanks for your help,


Sometimes the assembly gets updated before the schematic.