

Je viens d’acheter la carte K8055.
Au premier branchement sous linux cela a bien fonctionné, j’ai pu allumer chaqu’une des 8 entrée en ligne de commande.
Mais a la 2eme tentative, le PC ne detecte plus rien (aussi bien sous Linux que sous windows.)
Quand je branche la carte j’ai la lumiere power qui s’allume et la LD8 qui clignotte puis reste allumé fixe.

Quelqu’un a deja t’il eu ce pb ?
Il y a t’il moyen de reseter la carte ?

The three flashes of the LED LD8 indicate that the CPU starts to run.
If LED LD8 stays lit, it indicates that the USB enumeration process fails.
This seems to be the case.

Do you have possibility to test the card in other PC?

Please check all the soldering joints of the USB connector and the microcontroller IC3.

Thanks for the reply
I have try on 2 laptop with vista and on on PC fixed on ubuntu with the same result.
soldering joints of the USB connector and the microcontroller IC3 seems ok

This is very strange case.
As a final test you may try with other USB cable.

Test done
Same result…
any diagnosis ? or idea ?

Maybe try the USBview.exe like I did? Where it somehow got registered Full instead of Low?

What do you mean by try the USBview.exe ?
Is it a software I have to download ?

Here is a link to download USB view: box.net/shared/mc3pt7bt1n
Please look this thread what you should see with the USB View:

In fact I do not see any change in usbview or same kind of soft in ubuntu when I connect the card…
It look like as the PC does not detect the card…

Does it mean that I need to change the card ?

It seems the card is defective.
You can return it to check / repair / replace.

Do you know if there is any Velleman shop in France / Paris ?

Here is a link to Velleman page where you can find the distributors in Paris.
velleman.eu/distributor/shop … s&shopc=16

Many thanks