K8055 with RX433/FX433

Is it possible to use my k8055 to receive and transmit RF 433mhz signals ?

This way i can use the k8055 for switching KAKU power outlets for example. Like the do with arduino boards.

On the internet there are several examples which use a Arduino bord like below in the picture.

They basically use a digital input and a digital output to connect to a simple rf 433mhz RX and FX unit.

I’ve already searched the net for some examples but looks like nobody is using the k8055 for this purpose.

Using the K8055 you can reach the baud rate about 100 bit/second max.
Anyhow you can create this kind of wireless link between two K8055 cards.

The drawback of the RF receiver is that it may output some “nonsense” data in idle mode too.
Your receiving software have to have some intelligence to detect the real data sequence.

Here an example of such a pair of transmitter / receiver data (of one other application).
The receiver simply repeats the transmitted data “as is”.