K8055 with 64bit Windows 7

I’ve seen the other post about this, but it dosent answear the question.

I’m running 64bit Windows 7 and the board will not let me program it.

I have used the board on 32 bit XP and it worked, but now do not have use of XP anymore so i need this too work.

Im using VB Express 2008.
I have tried : DLL 3.0, Setting debug mode to X86.

The strange thing is that if i run the example software the program works and i can use the board.
I have copied hte DDL to the System32 do i need to put it somewhere else too?
Do i have to link it to the project some how?
Advice? :imp:

This is my code :

[code]Public Class Form1
Private Declare Function OpenDevice Lib “k8055d.dll” (ByVal CardAddress As Integer) As Integer
Private Declare Sub CloseDevice Lib “k8055d.dll” ()
Private Declare Sub Version Lib “k8055d.dll” ()
Private Declare Function SearchDevices Lib “k8055d.dll” () As Integer
Private Declare Function SetCurrentDevice Lib “k8055d.dll” (ByVal CardAddress As Integer) As Integer
Private Declare Function ReadAnalogChannel Lib “k8055d.dll” (ByVal Channel As Integer) As Integer
Private Declare Sub ReadAllAnalog Lib “k8055d.dll” (ByRef Data1 As Integer, ByRef Data2 As Integer)
Private Declare Sub OutputAnalogChannel Lib “k8055d.dll” (ByVal Channel As Integer, ByVal Data As Integer)
Private Declare Sub OutputAllAnalog Lib “k8055d.dll” (ByVal Data1 As Integer, ByVal Data2 As Integer)
Private Declare Sub ClearAnalogChannel Lib “k8055d.dll” (ByVal Channel As Integer)
Private Declare Sub SetAllAnalog Lib “k8055d.dll” ()
Private Declare Sub ClearAllAnalog Lib “k8055d.dll” ()
Private Declare Sub SetAnalogChannel Lib “k8055d.dll” (ByVal Channel As Integer)
Private Declare Sub WriteAllDigital Lib “k8055d.dll” (ByVal Data As Integer)
Private Declare Sub ClearDigitalChannel Lib “k8055d.dll” (ByVal Channel As Integer)
Private Declare Sub ClearAllDigital Lib “k8055d.dll” ()
Private Declare Sub SetDigitalChannel Lib “k8055d.dll” (ByVal Channel As Integer)
Private Declare Sub SetAllDigital Lib “k8055d.dll” ()
Private Declare Function ReadDigitalChannel Lib “k8055d.dll” (ByVal Channel As Integer) As Boolean
Private Declare Function ReadAllDigital Lib “k8055d.dll” () As Integer
Private Declare Function ReadCounter Lib “k8055d.dll” (ByVal CounterNr As Integer) As Integer
Private Declare Sub ResetCounter Lib “k8055d.dll” (ByVal CounterNr As Integer)
Private Declare Sub SetCounterDebounceTime Lib “k8055d.dll” (ByVal CounterNr As Integer, ByVal DebounceTime As Integer)

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

End Sub

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    Dim CardAddress As Integer
    Dim h As Integer
    CardAddress = 0
    CardAddress = 3
    h = OpenDevice(CardAddress)
    Select Case h
        Case 0, 1, 2, 3
            MsgBox("Card " & Str(h) & " connected")
        Case -1
            MsgBox("Card " & Str(CardAddress) & " not found")
    End Select
End Sub

End Class

[quote]I have copied hte DDL to the System32 do i need to put it somewhere else too?[/quote]Yes, please put the DLL to the Windows folder. The 64-bit operating system doesn’t find it from System32 folder.