K8055 what have you done?

I didn’t find anything in the forum, with what the users actually did with their things, or how they did it. So I hope its okay to make a thread with what I did with my K8055, maybe some one can use it as inspiration, or come with better ideas… or even better, show their own creation :smiley:

Feel free to show pictures of your creation :slight_smile:

Short summary over my project. I got a K8055 connected with a 20m RJ45 cable, using a pair of very cheap USB > RJ45 extenders, it is only USB 1.1, but plenty for the K8055.
I mounted it all in a box normally used for the fuses and such for a house, with a switchmode 12V 2.5A power supply inside, along with the K8055 board. I also made two holes in the case, and installed a 40mm fan in each, including a fan controller that will beep if one of the fan stops. On the back of the panel, I got four 12V/230V relays to handle the lights it is controlling.

does that control mains lights, or just the LEDs in the pic. Nice though, i got mine setup (not really, more of a bodge) but it is setup ontop of my computer and i have a 6vdc relay that switches the live to a mains light, which i have in my room. its very cool as i modified the sample code given with the k8055 so i have numbers on the outs and got rid of the vscroll’s. now i have speech recognistion and just say (well shout) “bedroom light on” and it will come on. i still have some more things to wire up. You wouldn’t know anything about thermistors by any chance would you? Thanks anyway. Bliitzz :laughing:

I can control 4 mains with the setup on the picture, used it for Christmas lights outside.

Have you looked at this velleman.eu/distributor/prod … ?id=354616 ? Its the K8067 and should be perfect for the K8055

[quote=“bld”]I can control 4 mains with the setup on the picture, used it for Christmas lights outside.

Have you looked at this velleman.eu/distributor/prod … ?id=354616 ? Its the K8067 and should be perfect for the K8055[/quote]

i looked at it but its operating temp is 20° ~ +70°C and i need it to go in a bath, is the operating temp just the board or for the sensor as well / instead of?

Isn’t +70c enough for that? or what kind of bath are you talking about?

Was wondering that myself, normal human heat tolerance is around 48°C (body temp, not ambient)–at which point brain cells start to melt down. The threshold of pain is is 55°C, and real honest to goodness pain kicks in around 60°C…

Maybe it’s some kind of print bath? Can’t remember the temperatures, but I can remember something about it going faster then the liquid was warm than it would when it was cold… but 70c still seems high :slight_smile: