K8055 (VM110) Web-based appliance control


I bought one of these lovely cards yesterday and then frittered away the rest of my attempting to make it work via PHP / Apache on a Windows Vista x64 Machine so I could control it through the internet.

I was successful - Will release instructions and code (didn’t find anyone else who’d done this before) once I’m clued up about the next bit…

And then I fell upon a question for you lovely people. The digital collectors are rated in the manual as 50V/100mA - is this 100mA per collector, or in total? I’m just wondering if I need to use these with an external set of transistors to make the 12V/100mA coil relays I have (which can switch 300Vac, 30A) work, and control my electrical appliances from anywhere in the world!

Then, if I do need to use transistors, how would I go about implementing them so when a digital output is turned on I can put my 12V/100mA through a relay? (My somewhat limited electronics knowledge coming through there!)

Thanks all,

The specified 100mA is per output (total 800mA).
You can easily drive 12V 100mA relay coils with this card.
Please see the manual and browse this forum how to connect the relay coil to the card digital outputs and to the CLAMP terminal.
It is very important to connect this CLAMP terminal to your battery’s or adaptors + pole.
This protects the transistors of the digital output.
Connect the relay coils between the CLAMP terminal and digital outputs.


Thank you for your fast informative reply, and on a Sunday too!
