I am new on this site. I have the following question : Who can give me the exact statements in Liberty Basic to programme the K8055 USB inteface card? In the manual only the languages Delphi, Visual Basic and C++ Builder are mentioned. I would be very happy to get this information.
Jan Starke.
[quote=“Jan Starke”]Hello,
I am new on this site. I have the following question : Who can give me the exact statements in Liberty Basic to programme the K8055 USB inteface card? In the manual only the languages Delphi, Visual Basic and C++ Builder are mentioned. I would be very happy to get this information.
Jan Starke.[/quote]
Hi Jan
This is what i tried;
open “K8055D.dll” for dll as #DLL
Calldll #DLL,“OpenDevice(0)”;
Calldll #DLL,“ClearAllDigital”;
Calldll #DLL,“WriteAllDigital(7)”;
Calldll #DLL,“CloseDevice”;
close #DLL
it would not run.
Hi Jan,
If you are using Liberty basic because it is free, I would encourage you to consider using the free version of visual basic (VB express edition) which is available directly from Microsoft.
While not strictly a Microsoft fanboy, I have been programming in BASIC since my first days, and found it very easy to transition into.
I also have posted code which operates with a single Velleman 8055 elsewhere in the forums.
hi mikey11
sorry i have not replied to your message,
I have switched to vb6 and have worked out the basics of controling the k8055 usb interface board,
could you possibly give me some advice on the following prog,
i have spent a couple of weeks trying various examples from the web
but have had no success,
i have been trying to play a wav file located on my c drive,
here is a piece of code i thought would work but failed;
Public Declare Function playsound Lib “winmm.dll” Alias “PlaySoundA” (ByVal lpszName As String, ByVal hmodule As Long, ByVal dwflags As Long) As Long
playsound “tada.wav”, CLng(0), snd_async
End Function
thanks in advance;