I have just bought a K8055 interface board but my windows 7 64bit pc will not recognise the USB. The message is USB device not recognised looking at device manager it reports a code 43.
I have checked the board on another computer running vista 32 bit and it works fine.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
This (Code 43) problem seems to happen sometimes with 64-bit version of Windows 7 .
Please see these threads for a possible solution:
Please see also:
answers.microsoft.com/en-us/wind … c65488ba22
answers.microsoft.com/en-us/wind … 2dcb705c7f
Thank you for your promp reply I’ve looked at your links but stil have problems. getting windows 7 64 bit compuers to reconise the 8055. One thing that does seem to work sometimes is connect to one usb port and fail then to connect to another port and it seems to be reconised. Any thouhts?