From a friend I got a gift… K8055
Are there any software updates for this product ?
I am running Windows 7, and the driver will NOT install…
Do I miss something ?
de OZ6YM
From a friend I got a gift… K8055
Are there any software updates for this product ?
I am running Windows 7, and the driver will NOT install…
Do I miss something ?
de OZ6YM
The K8055 uses the HID driver provided with Windows itself. No separate driver is needed. The DLL accesses the card using Windows’ SetupAPI.
In any case, here is a link to the latest K8055D.DLL with source code (version viewtopic.php?f=3&t=10451#p42561
There is a known problem in the USB device descriptor of the original K8055 (not the newer K8055N). It is known to crash DirectX on Windows XP and suspected to cause detection problems with Windows 7. The use of a USB hub seems to help sometimes. Last resort would be to upgrade the card to a better PIC with custom firmware.
73 WI3CK