I am using a K8055 board, while running my program i use SetCurrentDevice to ensure that the my program is still connected to the card.
However, if i disconnect my card and execute SetCurrentDevice(0), the return value is 0, shouldnt this be -1 if the card is no longer connected?
I tried to work around this by using SearchDevices to check to see if the card is still connected before attempting to execute a command but a simular issue occurs here also. The following code illustrates my issue:
[code] Private Sub Button4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click
Dim test As Integer = -9
Debug.Print("Initial " & test)
test = OpenDevice(0)
Debug.Print("OpenDevice " & test)
test = -9
Debug.Print("Reset " & test)
test = SetCurrentDevice(0)
Debug.Print("SetCurrentDevice " & test)
test = -9
Debug.Print("Reset " & test)
test = SearchDevices
Debug.Print("SearchDevices " & test)
test = -9
Debug.Print("Reset " & test)
End Sub[/code]
This produces the following output:
[color=#408040]Initial -9
OpenDevice 0 'Expected
Reset -9
SetCurrentDevice 0 'Expected
Reset -9
SearchDevices 0 'This should return a decimal 1 (0001) for a card with address of zero
Reset -9[/color]
I did not disconnect the card during this test, however, if i were to do so, the SetCurrentDevice call would still return a 0, where i would expect it to return -1
Is this a bug in the DLL? Or am i doing something wrong?
I am using the version of the K8055 DLL
Kind Regards