K8055 - Programming problem

My project is use the K8055 USB Experimental Interface Board to make a robot. The program (made with Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0), without connect it with the board, works well but I’ve got a problem when I try to compile my program with the declarations of the DLL and the OpenDevice function. I don’t know what’s wrong because I only put the DLL declarations and the OpenDevice procedure (and I take it from the manual!). I need to do something else? Because I only put the code in my program.

You may check the Visual Basic 6 example on the CD.
The project files are in the folder: \K8055_VM110 USB board\Demo PC soft source\VB

You may also download the latest DLL and some example projects and the documentation from:
velleman.eu/distributor/supp … 8055&type=

The documentation is included to this package:
[color=#000040]Software DLL Rev 2
older DLL with examples and source code (source can also be used with DLL rev 3) [/color]

Can you describe the problem more completely–what error(s) is the VB compiler showing when you attempt to compile the application?

Can you post the code segment in which you are declaring the DLL calls?

Thanks! I don’t have the example of the CD in my computer because I use one computer to make the program (it’s old) and I use another computer to make the rest. Now my program works perfectly.