K8055 probleme

Hi , i just getting a K8055 and i tried to creat a program in C with CodeBlocks, i linked K8055D_C.lib in project etc and added K8055D_C.h in the project

I wana see if it working by using OpenDevice(0) function and then use SetAllDigital() but nothing happend , my adresscard is “0” sk5 and sk6 are ON.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "K8055D_C.h"
int main()

Hope that someone can help me .

The version of K8055D_C.DLL and K8055D.DLL are not compatible with Vista and newer operating systems.
Please see this thread for a solution: viewtopic.php?f=21&t=8505

No i got the 4.0.0 one from rev4. The problem stile persist :confused:

Are the other examples and demo working extracted from the latest download package Rev.4.0 ?
I see in your code:

#include "K8055D_C.h" 

This may indicate you are still using the K8055D_C.h and maybe also the old K8055D_C.LIB.
You can’t use these files with the new package.

It’s work fine in VB
But i dont want use Vb.

So now in my C project i got this error:

[quote]Linking console executable: bin\Debug\K8055.exe
./K8055D.LIB: file not recognized: File format not recognized[/quote]

Maybe you are using the Borland C++Builder K8055D.LIB for Microsoft C++ ?
The K8055D.LIB in the folder K8055DemoBCB is for Borland C++Builder only - it can’t be used with Microsoft C++.
You may use LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress to get sccess to the DLL functions.
Please see the main.cpp in the examples folder: K8055DemoDevC as an example.

[quote=“dragoncds”]Hi , i just getting a K8055 and i tried to creat a program in C with CodeBlocks, i linked K8055D_C.lib in project etc and added K8055D_C.h in the project

I wana see if it working by using OpenDevice(0) function and then use SetAllDigital() but nothing happend , my adresscard is “0” sk5 and sk6 are ON.[/quote]

Hi,I have met the similiar problem like yours. I wanna to know if you have worked it out.
Hope your answer.

Borland and Microsoft use different formats for their lib files. The one supplied by us is in Borland’s format.

If you have Visual Studio, you can create a lib file from the dll using one of Microsoft’s tools, it’s very easy. This website explains how: adrianhenke.wordpress.com/2008/1 … -from-dll/

The more difficult way is to use the Windows API GetProcAddress and LoadLibrary functions.

I’d recommend you create the library file since it’s a good exercise, but if you don’t succeed in creating it, here are all the files: velleman.be/downloads/files/ … K8055D.zip

I have put the file K8055D.dll and K8055D.h under the project, then run the program and not found any grammer errors. Unfortunately I found the varible “h” is still keeping the value 0 no matter how I change the state of SK5 and SK6. By the way, I have been using the version of Visual studio 2010 and I have tested the chip by running the project named Demo and successed.
Hope the answer from you soon and thanks a lot!

[quote]Unfortunately I found the varible “h” is still keeping the value 0 no matter how I change the state of SK5 and SK6. [/quote]The new jumper setting is effective after disconnecting and reconnecting the USB cable

If still problems - as an alternative you may check the main.cpp in the folder \Examples\K8055DemoDevC.
This demo code shows how you can use C++ without using any .lib file.

Please use the latest K8055D.DLL from the package “Complete SDK Pack (Rev 4.0)” from:
velleman.eu/support/download … 8055&type=
The older DLL versions may not work on new operating systems (Vista, Windows 7, 8, etc.)

If you have K8055N or VM110N please use the package “K8055N software pack” from:
velleman.eu/support/download … 055N&type=

[quote=“VEL255”][quote]Unfortunately I found the varible “h” is still keeping the value 0 no matter how I change the state of SK5 and SK6. [/quote]The new jumper setting is effective after disconnecting and reconnecting the USB cable

If still problems - as an alternative you may check the main.cpp in the folder \Examples\K8055DemoDevC.
This demo code shows how you can use C++ without using any .lib file.

Please use the latest K8055D.DLL from the package “Complete SDK Pack (Rev 4.0)” from:
velleman.eu/support/download … 8055&type=
The older DLL versions may not work on new operating systems (Vista, Windows 7, 8, etc.)

If you have K8055N or VM110N please use the package “K8055N software pack” from:
velleman.eu/support/download … 055N&type=[/quote]

My teacher advice me to use the function named"LoadLibrary" and he help me getting start of the program.Now I can use the board to realize some simple function.