K8055 + pololu VNH2SP30-E


je voudrais savoir si vous pouvez m’envoyer le plan de câblage pour le branchement d’1 K8055 (sorties analogiques) et d’1 pololu VNH2SP30-E (je veux commander indépendamment 2 moteurs avec contrôle logiciel: chaque moteur peut tourner dans les 2 sens, via la carte polulu NH2SP30-E) : si vous avez une adresse émail à me laisser, je pourrais vous envoyer une photo de cette carte…
@ bientôt !


RAF974 (Réunion Island)

The inputs of the VNH2SP30-E are CMOS compatible.
Just connect the digital outputs of the K8055 to the inputs of the VNH2SP30.
Add pull-up resistors from the digital outputs of the K8055 to an external +5V supply.
Connect all GNDs together (K8055, VNH2SP30-E and +5V power supply GND).

Note: The PWM frequency of the K8055 is fixed 23.43kHz.
This is slightly too high for the VNH2SP30-E (specified 20kHz max).

hello, (sorry for my bad english, i’m french…!)

Thanks for your response but i 'm already using my digital outputs with one Velleman VM129 ; Isn’t it possible to use the analog outputs for connect to VNH2SP30-E ?
Or, if you tell me that it isn’t possible to use the analog output for connect to VNH2SP30-E, can i plug the digital output s of K8055 in same time to 2 x VNH2SP30-E , in additionnaly of my actual connecting with VM129,

About PWM, there is a risk to connect together the pwm ok K8055 and pwm of VNH2SP30-E ?
What’s the risk ?

What are a pull-up resistors ? have you got a brandname and model to communicate to me ? how many pull-up resistors should i add ?

Looking forward to read you again,

Bests regards


[quote]Isn’t it possible to use the analog outputs for connect to VNH2SP30-E ?[/quote]Yes, you can use the analog outputs to control the inputs IN[size=80]A[/size] and IN[size=80]B[/size] of the VNH2SP30-E.
Set the analog output value to 255 to get logic “1” and set the analog output value to 0 to get logic “0”.

[quote]About PWM, there is a risk to connect together the pwm ok K8055 and pwm of VNH2SP30-E ?
What’s the risk ?[/quote]Difficult to say, what the risk can be. Anyhow the PWM frequency is slightly too high for the VNH2SP30-E.

If you anyhow like to try to use the PWM output of the K8055, you have to add a pull-up resistor from the PWM output to external +5V.
The PWM output of the K8055 is open collector - no voltage output if there is no external pull-up resistor.
The value of the pull-up resistor can be 4.7k ohm … 10k ohm (power rating 1/8W or more).