K8055 or USB Issue?

Hello. Thanks in advance for reviewing this post.

I have broadcast automation software that utilizes the K8055/VM110 card or an LPT interface for remote starts of the audio players (4 of them) from the audio console via contact closures. Ever since switching from the LPT interface to a K8055 for the remote starting of audio files, several times a day when the software is in automation / auto-pilot mode 4 events (songs, jingles, drops) from the log play at once.

I’ve submitted a ticket to the software support to inquire about a software bug. They replied back saying they haven’t received any other complaints from current users and suggested the issue must be isolated the computer or the K8055. I can duplicate the problem on the back up audio automation PC, so that rules out a problem with the computer.

Additionally, to rule out an issue with the logic side of the audio console, I’ve disconnected the contact closures coming from the console (while manually keeping the input 1 and 2 test buttons engaged to emulate the audio channels as “on” to the software) and the issue is still happening. Therefore, I suspect an issue with the K8055 or a USB issue…

Is there a firmware update availavble for the older K8055 cards which I have?


Are you using relays to start the audio players?
If yes, then one possible reason to this problem may also be some sort of electromagnetic disturbance.

Maybe similar as in this case: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2954

[quote]Is there a firmware update availavble for the older K8055 cards which I have?[/quote]I’m sorry, no such update available.

Thank you for the reply.

Yes, using a relay board with 4 songle 12vdc/10ma relays but not to start the players. The relays are used to make a contact closure for the four console audio channels where each of the four players output. When the ON button of these audio channel is pressed, it toggles the respective input (1-4) of the K8055 as ON. Then automation software starts the respective player via the K8055. When the software is in automation / unattended operation mode, it alternates music (etc) between players 1 and 2. Therefore, these 2 audio channels are ON. As part of my troubleshooting, I disconnected power to the relays but simulated their presence by keeping the input 1 and 2 buttons pressed on the Velleman and the problem still exists.

I have considered that EMI from the console (all solid state) or the PC itself may be interfering with the Velleman and considered trying to find a metal enclosure for it…

I guess that’s my next step in troubleshooting.

[quote]I have considered that EMI from the console (all solid state) or the PC itself may be interfering with the Velleman and considered trying to find a metal enclosure for it…[/quote]This is indeed good idea to try.
Maybe also (long) wiring may capture the interfering noise to the K8055 card…