K8055, is there an OCX for this

I am looking to hookup all the machines in our large factory to be able to monitor production output, is the equipment switched on etc , temperature on some machines.
The digital and analogue IO is superb

The K8055 / VM110 looks ideal so I bought one with a a view to buying a bulk quanitity for the project.

Our company uses an AS400 and we typically use ASNA-Visual RPG to program in.

Its a cross between visual basic and AS400 RPG so its usually handles most DLL & OCX’s quite well, however is doesnt recognise the K8055D.dll

Visual rpg is usually a sure bet with an OCX.

Does an OCX exist for this board to work on a windows XP pc ?

This is quite an urgent topic for me, I can be contacted on 44 7879 433669

Has anybody else tried using the K8055 board with Visual RPG.

Is the answer is yes, Velleman can look forward to some decent sales off us.

[quote]Does an OCX exist for this board to work on a windows XP pc ?[/quote]Sorry - no OCX made for the K8055/VM110 board.

[quote]This is quite an urgent topic for me,[/quote] I think there is no time to try to write an OCX…

I am a new user. Self assembled board all works well. Would dearly like to access the dll from php using com object. Has there been any further thoughts on producing an OCX?

I use XP pro


The only way to access the K8055/VM110 is to use the K8055D.DLL.
At the moment no thoughts to make an OCX.