K8055 ios APP

Hi guys

I have used the K8055 with VM129

What happend to the IOS app fot the 8055…?? it seems there’s only a link to the Android version now…
I had the iOS version previously and it worked great, and I really could use it again…

Lars Holm

Doesn’t anyone know about this…??
Moderator etc…someone must have removed it from iTunes…

Lars Holm

Sorry, the app was not a Velleman app but it was made by a third party.
Apparantly, this third party removed it from the app store.
If we can dig up the authors coördinates, we’ll check if he/she is willing to put it back online.

Ok, I found this
damow.net/2011/05/16/k8055-i … s-burning/

I have emailed the Author, but if You have any backdoor to him it would be appreciated…