K8055 - how to detect that device has disconnected/died


What is the best method of detecting that a succesfully connected K8055 has been disconnected or died.

I have a thread that polls the digital and analog values ever x ms. When i disconnect my K8055, SetCurrentDevice doesn’t report an error. What method do i call to check that the device is still alive (in my polling thread)?

Thanks for looking into this.

Hi Bart,

Almost every function returns success/failure data.

That’s what I’ve been using to monitor the “health” of the interface and also eventually diagnose any glitch in my programs.
But recently I found some return values that just don’t seem to add up, hence my most recent topic, regarding what happens when the DLL is opened and closed and opened again.

So, in most of the functions, you’ll see that success is returned as long integer 1, and failure as long integer 0.
Depending on the programming language, you’ll get just that integer or an array with one or two integers.

Also a few functions use 0 and -1, instead of 1 and 0, for no apparent reason.
